I've been trying to update my blog as much as possible but things (too many to mention, boring) get in the way and also too many networking websites to update can be quite overwhelming.
However, I will try to be better. I get so much (inspiration, motivation, information) from other blogs that I feel a little selfish for not taking the time to share more of my findings, likings, works in progress...
Here are some old ones I've been meaning to share.
Bellow is a photograph of my sweet and beautiful bowl from Gleena, now no longer on the shelf but on my work desk where I can look at it more. I love it so much. I met Gleena at the DWR + Supermarket Modern Mart. I've always admired her work, so seeing it in person was quite a pleasure.
However, I will try to be better. I get so much (inspiration, motivation, information) from other blogs that I feel a little selfish for not taking the time to share more of my findings, likings, works in progress...
Here are some old ones I've been meaning to share.
Bellow is a photograph of my sweet and beautiful bowl from Gleena, now no longer on the shelf but on my work desk where I can look at it more. I love it so much. I met Gleena at the DWR + Supermarket Modern Mart. I've always admired her work, so seeing it in person was quite a pleasure.
Okay, now this one I had to include just because... I love water and the colors on this bottle. No, I don't drink as much as I should but when I do, I like to drink this water:
Gleena's bowl is lovely, so delicate ... and I wish we could find the Mast Brothers Chocolate here !
Hi Isabelle! It looks like they will be available online soon!
Adorei seu blog! Especialmente pq quando estive na Itália, meu pai riu de mim pq eu quis trazer uma garrafa dessa na mala, de tão tão linda! e virou piada interna...até eu ver que não sou só eu...rsrsrs
Miss you!
Gasparetto!!! saudades. Essa garrafa eh linda mesmo. Tentei achar ai no Brasil pra minha mae e nao encontrei. Ateh liguei la na fabrica. Alias, encontrei uma vez e soh. Anyway, vem pra NY qdo? Vc me deve uma visita. bjo.
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