Once upon a time, a long time ago, perhaps 9-10 years ago, back in Bra(s)il...
A group of friends and I were staying at a friend's beach house. A friend, I'll call her "D", and I were very much into playing cards ("Buraco" aka Canastra) so we liked to stay home instead of going out with the rest of the group in the evenings. One particular night (another friend stayed in as well, "N"), we were playing cards on the balcony of our room. I was very concentrated in my cards and suddenly, behind me, right behind my neck... close to my right ear, I heard "someone" whisper "D"s name. (The balcony was small, only the two of us were there. Right behind me was a wall, no space for another human being.) I looked up at her, my neck and back stiff from fear, her eyes looked straight pass my right shoulder and I knew - she had heard it too. Then again "D.... D....". We stormed off to "N"s room. We were pale as a ghost; "N" was very confused and probably thought we were playing cards way too much...
I believed that because we ("D" and I), aside from just playing Buraco, were also reading people's fortune with those same cards, that perhaps, "someone"/"something" was not happy and came to warn us. Yes, we read cards, we made up our own "reading" system and strangely, the cards were spot on when reading peoples' lives...
"D" and I had some sort of weird connection, probably because of our weird interests. Instead of going out with the rest of our friends and aside from playing or reading cards, we were very interested in stars. On another trip to the beach, the stars seemed to be so close to us, we could almost touch them. Being girls, we hoped for shooting stars to make wishes. We made at least 10 wishes per night - the shooting stars were very generous.
The last night of this trip, we stayed in, chose a comfortable spot next to the pool, chatted and stared at the stars. They seemed a little further away then the previous nights. The moon was full and bright. It took longer than usual to spot the first shooting star.... however, this one did not fade away. It was very close to the moon and was slower than the usual shooting star. We assumed it was a plane. But that close to the moon?! It did not blink like planes do, but then we thought, it's so far away, how could we see it blink. Then, another "star" just like it appeared out of the blue. Then another one, another one.... another one.... We thought: wow, plane traffic.... Until, so many of them appeared and they were not moving straight. They were going back and forth, up and down. Seemed like they were "playing", even "dancing" with the moon. We knew... those weren't planes. Satellite party? Nah... Meteorite explosions? How the hell would we know. U.F.O.s? YEAH! Intrigued, curious and a bit scared, we "asked" "them" to take us if they were E.T.s. "Please take us! Take us for a month but make it seem like only a few seconds! Please take us!" It was a beautiful, odd and surreal event. It went on for a long time (it seemed). Then one by one, they disappeared and only a few were left. I want to say that the few that were left, lined up? but I'm not sure. All I remember is that one "blew up" into a large ball of light and just like that (!)... it disappeared and so did the other ones. A feeling of loneliness followed. Immediately, I heard laughs and felt someone shaking me shoulder. I opened my eyes, the sky was clear blue - daylight. Our friends had just returned from their night out and were laughing at us for falling asleep outside. I looked at "D", we didn't have to say anything - we both shared a strange feeling...
The next day, on our way back to the city, "D" and I (tried) to explain to our friends what had happened the previous night. Most of them were too hung over to care and those who listened were either skeptical of our conclusion that those were in fact U.F.O's or told us we were crazy and probably drunk. NO! We weren't! We did not drink!.. Hours later, we were back in the city, back to reality, back to life... That strange event seemed very distant and we simply... forgot about it. Actually, I did look up on the internet if there were any reports on odd events in the sky on that night. Nothing.
"D" and I lost touch and only last year did we finally meet again. We talked about it. I didn't recollect, but she reminded me that she had told her professor back then about what we had seen. He had crushed her (our) hopes of them being U.F.O.'s. (I don't remember what his explanation was, sadly.) So again, we forgot about it.
A few days ago, I watched a documentary about U.F.O.'s. and like the other times I've watched these "E.T. documentaries", I kept thinking, oh that's totally manipulated... that's probably a fly stuck on the lens... that's cgi, etc. etc. Until it showed what I had seen that night...................................... Now, I have a visual document to show exactly what we saw. Enjoy.
| Fast forward to 39:08s |
| Here are today's theme Etsy selections |

Thank you for sharing your story. It gave me chills. Amazing!!
Gave me the chills too! What a great read- perfect selections to accompany your tale too. I'll have to watch the video later!
wow! how crazy, and then to find that video. Even crazier.
Whoa, RJ, that's amazing!
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