Time really does fly. Today completes one year of Bailey Doesn't Bark on Etsy.com. That's when (unofficially), BDB started business. Picture above: first sale.
I want to thank Etsy for existing. Because of Etsy, starting a business was a lot easier. The resources for independent, small business owners are great and the community extremely helpful and welcoming. The exposure Etsy gets and provides is phenomenal. If you're an artist, struggling to get your own business started, I highly recommend Etsy. Try it out, ask around, explore. Really, just do it.
Now, BDB has it's own ecommerce website - after one whole year. Didn't seem that much when we launched the website last month. I didn't even realize it had been a year today, til, today :) I'm not going to lie, I do wish I had accomplished a lot more in a year than I have. I wish everyday would have more hours or just slow down a bit. I wish I can have all those years back that I spent on the wrong career. What's life's return policy?
However, I am very very happy that I've finally found the right path (I will catch up) and am EXTREMELY grateful to my customers, friends and family. Seriously, not trying to be cheesy, but what would I do without you?
Today I'll share with you how I picked the name Bailey for my brussels griffon. I recruited my brother to help me pick a name. I went online and went through baby names :/
As I read the ones I liked out loud, my brother would yell (in portuguese), twisting his voice a bit and as if we were back to age 5 and 10: AaAaraArggh I can't believe you're naming your dog that.
It became a bit annoying after naming more than a dozen names... But it was when I said: Bailey - he paused, looked at me in the eyes and said: you can't be serious.
That's when I, me, 10 years old "I'm going to annoy my little brother" me, knew that we had finally found a name for the little brussles griffon arriving on August 23rd.

To celebrate, I'd like to gift The Four Seasons Cup Set 23kGold to one lucky person,
who will be selected at random this friday 4/10. To qualify, just leave a comment on this post... say anything. (Until 4/9 11:59pm est) CLOSED
One entry per person please! The winner will be announced, here, on Friday 4/10.
update: WINNER ANNOUNCED, click!

Congratulations!! I couldn't agree with you more on your thoughts on Etsy. I would be nowhere with out it. And here's to many more years of continued success!
P.S. Bailey in the cargo pocket?! Cutest thing ever!
I'm first! Congratulations on your first year, RJ. I just celebrated my first year too, and it is amazing how quickly a year can go by. If you figure out how to get a "return" or refund of some of the time that went by too quickly, please let me know so I can do the same.
I adore your work. The four seasons set is so delicate and beautiful. Winter doesn't look so bad on a gorgeous cup! I also love your new Postcups. Such a fabulous idea!
One more thing--we had a Bailey too, when I was growing up. She was a bit bigger than your sweet one (a weimaraner) and she barked ALL the time!
Best wishes on a great year ahead!
Congrats!!!! From one self made business person to the next! Keep on truckin! You have an amazing gift, and I only wonder what other lovlies will come into vision! My red/black mini seasons set are so precious, I love them so!!!
Congrats! This month will be my Etsy anniversary as well! I started out selling vintage & more recently my handmade items as well. Etsy has brought a new sense of hope & accomplishment for me, can't wait to see where it will take me in the next year. Good luck to you and your shop, your work is really lovely!
P.S. That tiny pooch is amazing!!
that scraggly little pooch on the concrete just made my day! hahahahha
congrats on an amazing year. I second everything you say about time and all that hooey.
What a very sweet giveaway you have going on, I'd be honored to included!
wishing you the best for many years to come :)
I've been such a huge fan of yours for so long, and I had no idea how cute your dog was or the origination of your shop's name. I looooove Bailey! So adorable.
Yay! I'm so glad I found you via twitter today! I absolutely adore your work and your name has that much more meaning now :)
Etsy really is an amazing resource and I feel like this is often forgotten in the swirl of all of those little things that could be improved.
Its been wonderful watching your work evolve over the last year. To another great year!
I am a follower of your work, I really love it It's so beautiful and delicate (eventhe ones with the roaches! :D )
Would be an honor to have this set on my house :)
Hope this next year is even better.
Congratulations a million times over; and I could not agree more on the excellence of Etsy. It is such a wonderful way to connect with artists and craftspeople who might not have had an international presence without the site. It is honestly my favorite place to shop for gifts, or just look for inspiration (and things to covet).
Love the eyes on Bailey, what an expressive little face.
posso escrever em português? acho que sim né. comprei um dos seus produtos, e fiquei maravilhado! desde o acabamento dos copinhos até a embalagem. tudo é muito lindo! foi, inclusive, a primeira coisa que comprei p/ a minha casa nova! parabéns e muito sucesso!
More congratulations for you! And special congratulations to Bailey, what a cutie.
i just found you via hearthandmade and love your work. i am a line person too. good luck with year #2!
Congratulations to you! I adore your work.
Congrats RJ. I think you've accomplished wonders in your first year! Here's to many more successes for many years to come.
Has it been a year already?!!?? Well, I'm so proud of you, R.J. You are truly an inspiration to all your friends and family.
Oh, that Bailey! (pat, pat, snurfle, snurfle....smooch smooch....snuggle snuggle!) Just the cutest thing in the world and it has been too long since I last saw Bailey and you! Congratulations hun! I am so happy for you and what an awesome, awesome giveaway. I can say from experience how incredibly beautiful these cups are.
Congrats on the year anniversary! Love love love the new flamingos.
congrats on your etsyversary! =) bailey is super cute!!
congrats on your anniversary! love your work and thought the dog naming story was so funny. :)
*swoon* Those are BEAUTIFUL!
Congratulations to you and keep up the fabulous work!
Congrats on your 1-year anniversary. Your work is lovely; I'm sure you'll be celebrating many more anniversaries.
Congrats and I hope you get to celebrate many more successful anniversaries! I love your work.
Wow - the years fly by, don't they? I've loved your work for a long time now - and would be so happy to give these cups a new home!
Congratulations on your one year achievement - here's to many more.
Way to go!!! Happy 1 Year!!
Your story is inspiring.
I hope in a year from now I can be saying the same things as you! ~momotrees.etsy.com
Leave to brothers. Sometimes being a grown up kid is the best medicine to slowing down. Congratulations on your 1 yr. anniversary.
happy anniversary! Your work is so lovely. I've been saving my pennies to purchase a piece of my own!
Congrats! I love your shop! It's exciting to see an artist doing so well despite the economy. Keep up the great work!
i love your work!!
Congratulations on your 1 year birthday! Your four season cups are beautiful and I love the ant ones too. Best wishes for the next year! :)
congratulations on your 1st anniversary! the cups are gorgeous and bailey is adorable. hooray for finding your right path,oh so important no matter how long it takes! all the best :)
Congrats! Love your work.
Congratulations - you make beautiful things!
those cups are so cute!
A big congrats on your one year anniversary!
Absolutely beautiful work.
Congratulations! I've just discovered your shop now via poppytalk and have a lot of fun shopping/browsing to do! Your four seasons cups are gor-juice!
Congrats on one year from a fellow etsian! Etsy is the best and I just adore your shop! Thanks for letting me enter your giveaway!
CherryBlossomsDesign at hotmail dot com
Congrats! I love your cups they are just gorgeous! Would love to wake up and drink out of those in the morning!
robertbowensmith at hotmail dot com
much love and congratulations to you. thank you for your work. it's truly inspiring.
the glasses are so beatiful. love the white/gold combo. fingers crossed!
The work is beautiful. I love it and would love to be a winner!
Congratulations on your first year! I couldn't agree more about Etsy. All your designs are gorgeous, and i wish you continued success in the years to come!
Congratulations on your first anniversary. Your designs are gorgeous and Bailey is so precious! Best wishes for year number two!
I found you through Poppytalk and I love the cups. Congrats on your success and I hope I win :)
Hi, I followed you here from Poppytalk and think I am in love with your wee dog! Bailey is gorgeous. Congratulations on your first year of Etsy and I hope you are even more successful in your second year :-)
Congratulations! I love perusing Etsy and finding all the cool stuff. Your dog is adorable!
Congratulations on your one year at Etsy! Those cups are gorgeous. :)
I've been testing out the waters and have bought a couple of things from Etsy — may try selling some things, too, eventually! It's such a wonderful site and I love browsing...
I heart etsy too, and your little Bailey! What wonderfully beautiful things...I would be so happy to win!
Congratulations! I've loved your work pretty much since you started on Etsy. I can't believe it's already been a year, but I can't wait to see what is in store for you over the coming years!
Congrats on an amazing year!
Your work is so good, it makes me jealous. Please enter me.
wow, gorgeous! i have been a fan from afar for some time, your work is simply beautiful, and so unique. thanks for the giveaway!
wow congratulations! one year goes so fast. these cups are just the best too xx
Congratulations! Love your work!
That was a great post. There is hope for me and my wrong career yet ;)
Here's to the years to come!
If Bailey were to bark, I'm sure he'd say: 'Well done.'
Congrats! I love sooo much your work, I hope you show us more at least ten years ahead!
En serio, tu trabajo es genial, tiene una delicadeza exquisita sin ser empalagoso, me ha ENAMORADO!
Hughs ;) ;)
Congratulations on your first-year anniversary. I feel the same way about Etsy. I spend an inordinate amount of time (and money) there. But it makes me so happy. Your work is absolutely gorgeous -- have to show my mother she will LOVE it.
Congrats on your blogversary! Your work is beautiful, and it's no wonder, with that adorable tiny pooch for inspiration :o)
Happy Anniversary :) I love that set, it's just gorgeous :)
Congratulations! I completely agree about Etsy, here's to more success in the future!
i'm a huge fan of your work...it's simply beautiful!! i can't wait to see where the next year takes you...
that is a beautiful set. Here's to another productive year!
Congratulations on your first year! I love the work that you do - here's to many more productive, creative and fruitful years!
I just stumbled across your work through Poppytalk THIS morning and featured your work on my blog.
I absolutely LOVE these cups. They are soo refined and (is it cheesy?) they remind me of the beauty of Vivaldi's Four Season's without distracting from their own beauty.
You are so talented!
these are so so pretty, congrats on a year-- that means your odds of continued success look pretty peachy!
Everything in your shop is beautiful. I would love a set of Four Seasons cups.
Your shop is GORGEOUS!! I am actually in the process of setting up shop on etsy.com It's good to hear other artist are happy with it. Congrats on a successful year!
PS: your four seasons cups would look lovely in my kitchen!!
oh, you've chosen to gift the one thing in your shop i've been coveting and plotting over ever since it was released! those lovely cups would get much love in my home :) congrats on your first year!!!
These are stunning. I'd love a set of my very own! Happy Anniversary!
Congrats! I love the cups...and Bailey is so cute!
One year! Keep at the amazing work,
felicitations - one of my best friends is a newer etsy seller and your story and journey is inspiring to artists and non-artists alike. and bailey looks like the best little companion :)
Your products are fabulous. Congrats on your success thus far. I'm sure you'll have much more in the future.
i love your work, and i need a gift for my sister.. i hope i win! :)
I LOVE LOVE LOVE your pieces. Your success is well deserved. Happy Easter.
So wonderfully beautiful! Congratulations on 1 year with Etsy, that's sure is something to celebrate!
Your pieces are lovely and you are one of my favorite sellers on Etsy. I'm especially intrigued with your ants and will buy one of your spoons soon, I promise (if they appear again). Thanks for offering this giveaway.
I've loved you're store ever since I've discovered it a few months back..keep up the good work!
Happy Anniversary! We make art because it's IN us!
Congrats on your 1st year. I have over visited your shop and drooled over the bits of lovely you have there.
Congratulations!! I hope to start an etsy shop one day, and folks like you are such an inspiration to me! One year, and with such success! I adore your work. And that little puppy!
Congratulations on your one year anniversary with Etsy. Your Four Seasons cups are stunning and I appreciate the opportunity to win them! Now please excuse me while I stroll over to your shop to look around. asthenight at gmail dot com
your dog is soooooooooo incredibly adorable! hahaha. I seriously can't stop laughing at his wacky hair. It's great.
Congrats on the one year! I'm a big fan of your work. This set you are giving away is my absolute favorite!!! although i honestly have a few absolute favorites of yours though.
ok, so congrats again. I'm sure this year is going to be amazing for you.
Happy anniversary! Your work is amazing, and your dog is so cute!
Happy Anniversary!
Absolutely love the Four Seasons cup set in gold! So pretty and delicate!
Wishing you all the best for the future!
a year certainly does fly by on etsy! congratulations! i could quite easily spend a year just browsing through all the amazing stuff on etsy, if only i had the time!
your little dog is gorgeous ;)
hugs from melbourne
Congrats on your first year on etsy, thats quite an accomplishment and best wishes for more great years to come!
ParkingGoddessFTW at gmail dot com
congratulations! i recently came across your etsy store, and your work is BEAUTIFUL!!
My first name is Season and I like to collect things that are associated with my name. I adore your four seasons cups. Gorgeous!
Congratulations - wish many more prosperous years to you!
Congratulations! I love your work as it always brings a smile to my face and I keep thinking that... this cup or that cup and saucer set would make a great gift for my mom, my sister ,my best friend...all drinkers of teas and coffees.( Me too!) Bailey is adorable! What huge eyes for such a "petite bundle of love"! I wish you and your family all the best! - Kim
congrats on a terrific first year on etsy and wishing you many many more!
Your work is beautiful!
Congrats, I´ve just discovered your work and am fascinated. I love the 4 season cups in gold the most - since I´ll be moving together with my bf in 5 monhts they would be the perfect new cups for our new home :)
oh my goodness.. I'm glad I caught this post when I did or else I might have missed this amazing giveaway! I'd be one lucky gal to win this set.. it is absolutely out of this world!
congratulations on one year of BDB!! i always look forward to your new pieces debuting. here's to many more.
I absolutely love love love your talented work, so very creative and fun. I am crossing my fingers & toes that I may become the owner of this beautiful set!
Oh, me please!!
Yay~ One year anniversary on etsy!
Just found out your work today on Etsy shop live and I LOVE your work!!!!!
Congrats!! Good luck on your future ventures~
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